例句-1:Now everybody learned the family had a skeleton in the closet - their great-great grandfather was hanged as a horse thief and their great-great grandmother had been a dance-hall girl with a very unsavory reputation.
古代欧洲和亚洲的某些民族曾有一种奇特的风俗:在欢宴宾客的重要场合要把一具骷髅安放在宴席的一把椅子上,让富足显要的满堂宾客在享受山珍海味的同时,居安思危,不忘苦难。不用说,酒饭美味再好,宴席上的骷髅也会让宾客扫兴,于是这个古老的风俗产生了这个现代的习惯用语,a skeleton at the feast就是指令人扫兴的人或者事物。
例句-2:Beside him was a skeleton at the feast: a pretty young woman about 30 years younger than he - his new wife. He'd left his old wife, who'd been very popular and that cost him a lot of votes. And most at the party had never even met the new one.
例句-3:Saturday night my girlfriend and I saw a movie. But we came back and found out I'd been dumb enough to lock the keys in my car so I had to get a locksmith with a bunch of skeleton keys. One of them worked and we could open the car and drive home.